LFS Account name: rockclan
Racing name: cholover7///
Desired racing name including the AS tag: Cho
To find your AA Airio stats, use !pi command while in-server
Number of laps on AA servers: 44 on current database (a whole lot more during 2019/2020)
Your safety rating: 68.28% after 2 races on the database
Your personal best(s): 1:35.200 for XFG
If you enjoy other classes (eg. Applying for GTi, but also racing RallyX) feel free to list them and their relevant records here too:
All classes, mix classes, Formula cars, no endurance
Any other personal data you want to share, e.g. why you want to join, your name, age, location, occupation, etc.:
Hey there, most/some of you shall remember me either from the 2020 TRR. champ or way before.
I recently returned to LFS and want to focus on having fun casual races again, and also some league racing together with some nice people.
Recently my good friend Ivanov joined AA, and he's been my team mate on a lot last 2 years and I'd love to stay inside the same team with my favorite bro from a slav mother!
Also good memories of Nova and the AA members and servers in general, it's a very respectful team and now that all the years running teams of my own, I'd like to settle down in a respected group with friendly souls and have a great time racing fair.
Been recovering from injuries sustained in June/July. All is fine again, but I am paralyzed for feeling on the right side of the head (inside) due to a damaged facial nerve.
Doesn't make me go any slower tho and I've still got some speed in me!
Would love to have a chance to join you lovely lads at AirAttack.
Walter / cho
edit 1-1-2022 @01:32
Your safety rating: 80.91% now
Racing name: cholover7///
Desired racing name including the AS tag: Cho
To find your AA Airio stats, use !pi command while in-server
Number of laps on AA servers: 44 on current database (a whole lot more during 2019/2020)
Your safety rating: 68.28% after 2 races on the database
Your personal best(s): 1:35.200 for XFG
If you enjoy other classes (eg. Applying for GTi, but also racing RallyX) feel free to list them and their relevant records here too:
All classes, mix classes, Formula cars, no endurance
Any other personal data you want to share, e.g. why you want to join, your name, age, location, occupation, etc.:
Hey there, most/some of you shall remember me either from the 2020 TRR. champ or way before.
I recently returned to LFS and want to focus on having fun casual races again, and also some league racing together with some nice people.
Recently my good friend Ivanov joined AA, and he's been my team mate on a lot last 2 years and I'd love to stay inside the same team with my favorite bro from a slav mother!

Also good memories of Nova and the AA members and servers in general, it's a very respectful team and now that all the years running teams of my own, I'd like to settle down in a respected group with friendly souls and have a great time racing fair.

Been recovering from injuries sustained in June/July. All is fine again, but I am paralyzed for feeling on the right side of the head (inside) due to a damaged facial nerve.
Doesn't make me go any slower tho and I've still got some speed in me!

Would love to have a chance to join you lovely lads at AirAttack.
Walter / cho
edit 1-1-2022 @01:32
Your safety rating: 80.91% now