LFS Account name: berdygaming
Racing name: [R4M] Berdy
Desired racing name including the AS tag: AS™| Berdy
To find your AA Airio stats, use !pi command while in-server
Number of laps on AA servers: 300 on current account, approximately 400-500 in total from all the accounts I've played on.
Your safety rating: 77%
Your personal best(s): 1:13:78 @ Historic on your server, but 1:13:04 @ Historic on other servers
If you enjoy other classes (eg. Applying for GTi, but also racing RallyX) feel free to list them and their relevant records here too:
Any other personal data you want to share, e.g. why you want to join, your name, age, location, occupation, etc.:
My main hobbies are racing, programming, music, playing guitar and in general playing video games. Racing and cars have been my passion since I remember myself and I can't explain what I would be doing if it wasn't for them.
Cars have been my passion and weak spot for ages, I remember myself fixing cars with my father and a friend of his. While I didn't do much but hold screws at that point, now recently I actually managed to actually help with a car repair.
The thing that started everything is Formula 1. I remember watching my first race, which was I think in 2009, but I am not sure.
My favorite musical genre is Metal, another thing that also started since I was young, but I am open to listening to some other genres like Drum 'n Bass, House, Trance. My favorite metal bands currently are Slipknot, Rammstein, Tagada Jones, In Flames.
I want to join the AirAttack family because I really wanted to be in a team from which I could learn, practice and get advices and maybe even go higher on the AirAttack family later on.
My style of racing is, well, mixed. I usually am conservative and try and wait for the best time to attack but many times I just lick the stamp and send it. My defense is fair, but I don't back down easily. I do apply squeezes but not beyond the track limits.
I have a few things to mention that I think are fairly important however:
- Unfortunately, I will not be able to participate in races extremely actively during the school year because I just won't have the necessary free time, but I could for sure fit in at least 30 minutes a day during the school year, depending on homework and exams.
- In 2 days, I would have to leave for 2 weeks and the place where I will be there isn't good enough internet to race safely. I could join and watch races and control the situation with people going rogue and crashing out others. I am sorry if that could put a spanner in the 1 week trial period, but I only now got the balls to actually apply.
- The [R4M] tag isn't from an actual team, it's a joke with a friend of mine
So, I guess that's all. If anyone has more questions, I'd be happy to answer them.
Racing name: [R4M] Berdy
Desired racing name including the AS tag: AS™| Berdy
To find your AA Airio stats, use !pi command while in-server
Number of laps on AA servers: 300 on current account, approximately 400-500 in total from all the accounts I've played on.
Your safety rating: 77%
Your personal best(s): 1:13:78 @ Historic on your server, but 1:13:04 @ Historic on other servers
If you enjoy other classes (eg. Applying for GTi, but also racing RallyX) feel free to list them and their relevant records here too:
Any other personal data you want to share, e.g. why you want to join, your name, age, location, occupation, etc.:
My main hobbies are racing, programming, music, playing guitar and in general playing video games. Racing and cars have been my passion since I remember myself and I can't explain what I would be doing if it wasn't for them.
Cars have been my passion and weak spot for ages, I remember myself fixing cars with my father and a friend of his. While I didn't do much but hold screws at that point, now recently I actually managed to actually help with a car repair.
The thing that started everything is Formula 1. I remember watching my first race, which was I think in 2009, but I am not sure.
My favorite musical genre is Metal, another thing that also started since I was young, but I am open to listening to some other genres like Drum 'n Bass, House, Trance. My favorite metal bands currently are Slipknot, Rammstein, Tagada Jones, In Flames.
I want to join the AirAttack family because I really wanted to be in a team from which I could learn, practice and get advices and maybe even go higher on the AirAttack family later on.
My style of racing is, well, mixed. I usually am conservative and try and wait for the best time to attack but many times I just lick the stamp and send it. My defense is fair, but I don't back down easily. I do apply squeezes but not beyond the track limits.
I have a few things to mention that I think are fairly important however:
- Unfortunately, I will not be able to participate in races extremely actively during the school year because I just won't have the necessary free time, but I could for sure fit in at least 30 minutes a day during the school year, depending on homework and exams.
- In 2 days, I would have to leave for 2 weeks and the place where I will be there isn't good enough internet to race safely. I could join and watch races and control the situation with people going rogue and crashing out others. I am sorry if that could put a spanner in the 1 week trial period, but I only now got the balls to actually apply.
- The [R4M] tag isn't from an actual team, it's a joke with a friend of mine
So, I guess that's all. If anyone has more questions, I'd be happy to answer them.