LFS Account name: N0RTHERNR0GUE
Racing name: Firestone (previously known as [MRc] Firestone)
Desired racing name including the AS tag: AS™|Firestone
Number of laps on AA servers: 2 (used to play before datawipe from 2018-2021 ishh before moving full time to MRc)
Your safety rating: 50% (datawipe)
Your personal best(s): 1:12.07 FBM BL2
If you enjoy other classes (eg. Applying for GTi, but also racing RallyX) feel free to list them and their relevant records here too: GTI XFG 1:34.37 BL1, RallyX XFG 1:10.610
Any other personal data you want to share, e.g. why you want to join, your name, age, location, occupation, etc.: got booted from MRc after 6 years like two weeks ago due to 'inactivity' (broken hand from last year september - january until I could even turn a wheel properly but couldn't race since still super weak, got swamped with projects) so decided to move to AA as I know a lot of AA members (like firestarter, AOR Nova and more). From Singapore, 20. also S3 licensed. Referred to join by AOR Nova.
Racing name: Firestone (previously known as [MRc] Firestone)
Desired racing name including the AS tag: AS™|Firestone
Number of laps on AA servers: 2 (used to play before datawipe from 2018-2021 ishh before moving full time to MRc)
Your safety rating: 50% (datawipe)
Your personal best(s): 1:12.07 FBM BL2
If you enjoy other classes (eg. Applying for GTi, but also racing RallyX) feel free to list them and their relevant records here too: GTI XFG 1:34.37 BL1, RallyX XFG 1:10.610
Any other personal data you want to share, e.g. why you want to join, your name, age, location, occupation, etc.: got booted from MRc after 6 years like two weeks ago due to 'inactivity' (broken hand from last year september - january until I could even turn a wheel properly but couldn't race since still super weak, got swamped with projects) so decided to move to AA as I know a lot of AA members (like firestarter, AOR Nova and more). From Singapore, 20. also S3 licensed. Referred to join by AOR Nova.