LFS Account name: Carfryer
Racing name: Radient
Desired racing name including the AS tag: ASRadient
To find your AA Airio stats, use !pi command while in-server: Air officer
Number of laps on AA servers: 253
Your safety rating: 87.97
Your personal best(s): 1:15:22
I enjoy driving the LX cars, FXO, XRT and the XR GTR.
Personal Data:
Name: Ian
Location: UK
Occupation: Student
Racing name: Radient
Desired racing name including the AS tag: ASRadient
To find your AA Airio stats, use !pi command while in-server: Air officer
Number of laps on AA servers: 253
Your safety rating: 87.97
Your personal best(s): 1:15:22
I enjoy driving the LX cars, FXO, XRT and the XR GTR.
Personal Data:
Name: Ian
Location: UK
Occupation: Student