Zig zagging move in order to lose someone trying to catch a draft is regulated by our racing rules and it is not allowed. Any limad3 or higher has the ability to issue any penalty he sees fit. In most cases, a warning and a DT will do just fine. An admin is not obligated to do any actions on our servers. He should, however, intervene if the racers are not able to figure things out on their own and demand justice.
Another very important thing - our team members (admins) are just racers like anyone else, this is not our job and we are not getting paid for policing the server. Everything we do is voluntary and we want to make fun and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Another very important thing - our team members (admins) are just racers like anyone else, this is not our job and we are not getting paid for policing the server. Everything we do is voluntary and we want to make fun and enjoyable experience for everyone.
AA™| rane