Welcome to the Air Attack/Air Support team. You'll be in with us hopefully till you graduate to the main team!
It is an easy task, but please do read the Code of Conduct and Rules. This is regarding wearing the AS| Team tag, as well as the skins.
You rise through the ranks in Air Support by behaving well, doing laps on (any) AA servers, as well as moderate and keep things going smoothly in the Demo server.
As we now have a Multiclass S1-S3 server as well, we don't enforce (but ranking up is easier that way as we're a Demo-based team, and you learn admin duties there) that you'll have to be constantly patrolling the demo servers. You may still take time off to hop onto the Multiclass, and of course, every other server.
If you race in events, be sure to wear the team tag. Best of luck, and have fun mate!
It is an easy task, but please do read the Code of Conduct and Rules. This is regarding wearing the AS| Team tag, as well as the skins.
You rise through the ranks in Air Support by behaving well, doing laps on (any) AA servers, as well as moderate and keep things going smoothly in the Demo server.
As we now have a Multiclass S1-S3 server as well, we don't enforce (but ranking up is easier that way as we're a Demo-based team, and you learn admin duties there) that you'll have to be constantly patrolling the demo servers. You may still take time off to hop onto the Multiclass, and of course, every other server.
If you race in events, be sure to wear the team tag. Best of luck, and have fun mate!
AA™| Sean (Nova)
°Air Support Manager
°Air Support Manager