08-30-2019, 09:49 PM
I've said things like that and I deeply apologize. I usually struggle with controlling my temper in video games and generally real life. I am not toxic to newer guys that I haven't seen or that are visually struggling to get a lap done. I've helped a couple of new people start by leaving them suggestions and braking points and general tips. However I am never, and I mean never, affected by my current influence to decide if I should ban/kick someone. Anyways, judging my potential quality of moderating from the fact I swear is a bit unreasonable as I never considered that would be a thing that would remotely even be factored. I will obviously control my nerves if I'm an admin and actually representing a team, but as I actually never considered applying to a team before, I never worried about my usage of swear words as, let's be fair, 90% of the community is 18+ and doesn't mind swearing. I was just careless in chat and didn't consider the fact I might decide to apply here.