01-06-2014, 09:25 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-06-2014, 09:33 AM by Fatal Unfair.)
Hello, my name is Santtu and I'm an alcoholic.
Jokes aside, I'm 19 years old, from Finland ;D. Apart from LFS, I go to school and play many other games. Sometimes I go to gym 2-3 times a week but haven't done that for a while now, maybe after the January rush is over, I might get back to that. I used to weigh like 125kg's back in 2010 or 2011 when I was 16-17, now I am down to 86-88kg, but I still have some to lose 8). I have no talents and I listen to a lot of music, can't say mainly anything, because I listen to a lot of metal (kinda see myself as a metalhead tho), a lot of dubstep (and quite a bit of other random EDM genres I don't know the names of...), a little bit of hip hop, some pop, maybe sometimes a little blues too. I can't name the rest, I listen to pretty much anything that sounds good.
My LFS history.. hmm, I downloaded this game back in maybe like 2005, but the computer I used was way too slow and I didn't even know how to get the car moving anyway. 2009 I had a better computer and at some point downloaded LFS again (actually, it was around the time when Maailman Nopein Kansa league for LFS was advertised on tv) and started racing a lot. There was 2 choices for me, as I'm not really a RallyX kind of guy, GTI or FBM and I instantly fell in love with FBM, because I felt it was more "my car" and a little bit more challenging
Also there were a lot of competition on it back then, nowadays it would be easier to find populated GTI servers I think. At the beginning I was shitty, only had history from Gran Turismos and the first Forza Motorsport, on the first day I think I reached 1:18's and slowly started improving, met people like Warrex along the way who was my idol driving constant 1.14's and some 1.13's and got his setup and started practicing on that. Also met people like Lokalhorst and Trema already back then and got their setups too. Those sets were too unstable for me back then and I remember I always tried 2-3 laps on those and went back to Warrex set and instantly improved my pb :o. Over time I started editing the Trema's gearbox and I think I was one of the first guys using the gearbox using the gear ratios that are on the wr nowadays
Sadly I don't remember any dates of my milestones, but my first 1:12 laptimes is still in my memories. I did 53.00 2nd sector and was like "damn, not a really good one" and had no pressure and banged my best sc3 by far ever at that point, 19.86! My first 1.12 was a 1.12.86 and I couldn't believe it, was so excited.. Funny to think it actually was a quite good laptime back then to almost anyone, now my online pb is 1.12.07 (and improving soon again I think ;P) and hotlap one 1.11.85... I am also about to reach a total of 50 000 laps online soon
At some point, I won a S2 lisence from MNK (the league I was talking about earlier) as they handed out like hundreds or thousands of those from pretty easy events at first. I was not really good on S2 cars though, so I just kept driving FBM on BL1, but at some point I got really in to hotlapping S2 and doing some open racing with random cars there (first FOX later FXR on AS3 and then some random driving on cargame) and I've done over 200 different hotlaps. After I got bored of that, I went back to FBM and also tried some GTI, didn't get too good at it at first, but later I tried it for once more, and actually got quite close to top with 1.32.46 hotlap 
Here's some games I used to play/still play that I think are worth mentioning because I've spent so much time on them: RuneScape, spent years on that... Crash Team Racing, Carmageddon 2, Gran Turismo (1, 2, 4), Forza Motorsport (1, 4), Tekken (2,3,5), Halo (especially the first one, 2nd one completed once), The Sims (1, 2, 3..), KKnD Extreme. Those are the ones I've played most I think, but there are a lot of more.
That's my small introduction, cya on track
Hope it wasn't too confusing.
Jokes aside, I'm 19 years old, from Finland ;D. Apart from LFS, I go to school and play many other games. Sometimes I go to gym 2-3 times a week but haven't done that for a while now, maybe after the January rush is over, I might get back to that. I used to weigh like 125kg's back in 2010 or 2011 when I was 16-17, now I am down to 86-88kg, but I still have some to lose 8). I have no talents and I listen to a lot of music, can't say mainly anything, because I listen to a lot of metal (kinda see myself as a metalhead tho), a lot of dubstep (and quite a bit of other random EDM genres I don't know the names of...), a little bit of hip hop, some pop, maybe sometimes a little blues too. I can't name the rest, I listen to pretty much anything that sounds good.
My LFS history.. hmm, I downloaded this game back in maybe like 2005, but the computer I used was way too slow and I didn't even know how to get the car moving anyway. 2009 I had a better computer and at some point downloaded LFS again (actually, it was around the time when Maailman Nopein Kansa league for LFS was advertised on tv) and started racing a lot. There was 2 choices for me, as I'm not really a RallyX kind of guy, GTI or FBM and I instantly fell in love with FBM, because I felt it was more "my car" and a little bit more challenging

Here's some games I used to play/still play that I think are worth mentioning because I've spent so much time on them: RuneScape, spent years on that... Crash Team Racing, Carmageddon 2, Gran Turismo (1, 2, 4), Forza Motorsport (1, 4), Tekken (2,3,5), Halo (especially the first one, 2nd one completed once), The Sims (1, 2, 3..), KKnD Extreme. Those are the ones I've played most I think, but there are a lot of more.

That's my small introduction, cya on track