LFS Account name: tftf
Racing name: SpeedBoy
Desired racing name including the AS tag: AS™|SPEEDBOY
To find your AA Airio stats, use !pi command while in-server: i attached a photo of my stats
Number of laps on AA servers: 207 Lap
Your safety rating: Rating: 73.98% (1142/7583) [299] Moderate Air (+1.02/-3.98%)
Your personal best(s): 1:35:74 XFG BL1
Racing name: SpeedBoy
Desired racing name including the AS tag: AS™|SPEEDBOY
To find your AA Airio stats, use !pi command while in-server: i attached a photo of my stats
Number of laps on AA servers: 207 Lap
Your safety rating: Rating: 73.98% (1142/7583) [299] Moderate Air (+1.02/-3.98%)
Your personal best(s): 1:35:74 XFG BL1