12-21-2019, 04:14 PM
(12-21-2019, 11:24 AM)rane_nbg Wrote: I agree, we can reset all stats in the new year. Joruss, how to exactly do this in airio?
!remove [car|*] [track|*]
This command removes all stats for certain tracks and/or cars. It allows you to delete e.g. all data for FBM on BL1, or all data for FBM on all tracks (denoted by *), or all cars (also specified as *) on BL1, and also all cars on all tracks. It is clear this command is very dangerous and must be used with extreme caution. It is reversible only by stopping Airio, rewriting STA files from latest backup and starting Airio again.
!remove – deletes all gathered stats on your current track and your current car.
!remove * FE6 – deletes stored statistics for all cars on FE6.
!remove RB4 * – deletes all peoples' RB4 stats on all tracks.
!remove * * – erases all stored PB data, the Airio.sta.cr.txt file with car-level data (split/sector times) will be empty.
!remove BL1 * – ERROR, 1st parameter must be car code.
if you feel BL1 stats are still relevant we can spare them and just remove BL2/BL3 stats