LFS Account name: Martinpaveseok
Racing name: Шòódч·Pwマ
Desired racing name including the AS tag: AS™| ·Шòódч·
To find your AA Airio stats, use !pi command while in-server
Number of laps on AA servers: 334
Your safety rating: 94.05% (149/9874) [593] Pure Air (+1.95/-1.05%)
Your personal best(s):
XFG@BL3 01:08.53
If you enjoy other classes (eg. Applying for GTi, but also racing RallyX) feel free to list them and their relevant records here too:
XFG@BL3R 01:09.36
XFG@BL2 01:32.26
XFG@BL1 01:33.57
Any other personal data you want to share, e.g. why you want to join, your name, age, location, occupation, etc.:
Name: Martin Pavese
Age: 23
Location: Argentina
Occupation: Law student
Language: I speak Spanish, I know Portuguese and basic English
Other information about lfs:
Account status: S3 license
Favorite cars on lfs: XFG, RB4 and MRT
I have mrt world records to date: FE2R/FE3R/FE4R
I am also a drag racer and have won tournaments organized by MRc
Racing name: Шòódч·Pwマ
Desired racing name including the AS tag: AS™| ·Шòódч·
To find your AA Airio stats, use !pi command while in-server
Number of laps on AA servers: 334
Your safety rating: 94.05% (149/9874) [593] Pure Air (+1.95/-1.05%)
Your personal best(s):
XFG@BL3 01:08.53
If you enjoy other classes (eg. Applying for GTi, but also racing RallyX) feel free to list them and their relevant records here too:
XFG@BL3R 01:09.36
XFG@BL2 01:32.26
XFG@BL1 01:33.57
Any other personal data you want to share, e.g. why you want to join, your name, age, location, occupation, etc.:
Name: Martin Pavese
Age: 23
Location: Argentina
Occupation: Law student
Language: I speak Spanish, I know Portuguese and basic English
Other information about lfs:
Account status: S3 license
Favorite cars on lfs: XFG, RB4 and MRT
I have mrt world records to date: FE2R/FE3R/FE4R
I am also a drag racer and have won tournaments organized by MRc