LFS Account name: mcmustang
Racing name: FIRESTARTER
Desired racing name including the AS tag: AS™|FIRESTARTER if possible but due to character may end up wiht FStarter or FS
To find your AA Airio stats, use !pi command while in-server: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments...000051.jpg
Number of laps on AA servers: too much to remember
Your safety rating: running in the 90s
Your personal best(s): 1:11.95 FBM BL1, 1:33.52 XRG BL2, 1:09.25 XFG BL3
Jack of all trades, master of none. You can find me mostly online on the discord server. Err well I'm on the server, on discord might aswell apply. Got questions? Ask them. P.S. Ayzer gib spec command.
Racing name: FIRESTARTER
Desired racing name including the AS tag: AS™|FIRESTARTER if possible but due to character may end up wiht FStarter or FS
To find your AA Airio stats, use !pi command while in-server: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments...000051.jpg
Number of laps on AA servers: too much to remember
Your safety rating: running in the 90s
Your personal best(s): 1:11.95 FBM BL1, 1:33.52 XRG BL2, 1:09.25 XFG BL3
Jack of all trades, master of none. You can find me mostly online on the discord server. Err well I'm on the server, on discord might aswell apply. Got questions? Ask them. P.S. Ayzer gib spec command.