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Taking a break - Printable Version

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Taking a break - meddc - 10-23-2014

Hi All,

I'm not one for big announcements, but I did just want to let everyone know that I will, finally, be stepping back from all AirAttack team matters now, and indeed from AA membership.

The team has overcome many problems over the past few years - EQWorry disappearing suddenly, hosting provider going bankrupt, forums disappearing, split from GenR, DDoS attacks, etc. I was kind of thrust into the team leaders role, even though it wasn't planned, and I probably couldn't give it my 100% committment.

However, we muddled through and since we now seem to have a reliable provider, our own forums are established, and membership growing again, I now feel able to step away safe in the knowledge that things will not disintegrate. This was always my intent from the GenR days really.

However, it's also pretty clear to me that I do not fit into the future of the team now, for several reasons. Part of those reasons definitely include a loss of interest in LFS. Another reason is lack of time due to job and family. Another reason is simply tiredness - tiredness with seeing the same types of situations and arguments recur within the team. Finally, do the values and views of the team continue to match my own as it evolves? I'm not so sure about that these days but I recognise that could be down to me and not others.

There are some great people in this team, though, and whilst I might not be around as much on the forums or using AA tags when I do find time for a race, I would hope that you will still see me around a little bit. And I certainly hope that the friendships I have with some of you would continue.

Didn't mean this to sound like a speech, sorry!

Re: Taking a break - prasanths96 - 10-23-2014

Thats so sad :\  Hope you will get the spark again in future and return to us.  Smile

Re: Taking a break - Energy - 10-23-2014

Well, this was announced by you some time ago, but for various problems we had in the team, some changes and other things, you decided to stay for some time more and help us to fix everything you could.
So thanks charlie for all that you have given for the team to maintain order and calm when things were not going so well.

Thanks again and hopefully we can continue seeing you around here!

Re: Taking a break - exzibit - 10-23-2014

That's great lost for AA but we have to respect your decision.
Thanks for everything, I'll miss you a lot...

Re: Taking a break - Frozen RackService - 10-23-2014

Hi Charles,

We know each other only since I've started providing this team the servers needed. I'm very pleased to have meet you, and of course, you've got a friend here for whatever you need.

Hope we don't lose the contact with each other, and if you require something, you know you can always ask me.

I wish you all the best


Re: Taking a break - Jacques - 10-23-2014

Hi Charles,

Yes it has been bumpy ride for the team over the years, but we are still alive and kicking much thanks to you. I am sad to see you leave.

Wish you all the best and know you´re always welcome back.


Re: Taking a break - viraaj5555 - 10-23-2014

Charles! Sad I'll miss you a lot mate Sad You did a lot for the team and i hope to see you around  Smile

Re: Taking a break - uytp7 - 10-23-2014

Sad to see this finally happening yet life is full of changes and your hard work for the team ensures that we will be an upstanding team also in the future. Thank you for your efforts Charles and hopefully we can some day meet again on the race track.   

Re: Taking a break - fnatic - 10-23-2014

can't find the words to describe your big effort to the team, you were the one who made team live and not fall down from the difficult times when the team was suffering problems. Of course life isn't continuoeing, we will move forwards. I hope you will still visit us once a while, have a good laugh together with team members, make one or another race to remember the good old times. A big respect for you and we all appreciate your work for this team.

Kind regards.

Re: Taking a break - RatRug - 10-23-2014

Well, firstly, a big Thank You for what you've done for the team. Always enjoyed racing with you, and hope to see you around still. It's a shame to see it happen but I knew this was your intention for a while.

You should never think you don't fit in the future though. Take care Smile