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NOT a report - Printable Version

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NOT a report - ZnoCz (ZZ) - 04-14-2021



Don't want to complain about anybody, just to get an opinion. 
Fighting with a racer... which fault is it? Watch it from my perspective, his perspective, turn on race line and tell your opinion. Happened on lap 1 and race before this was the same situation (but no replay).
After that i just got the message: "that's the way you drive"

My opinion: i had nowhere else to go really and it was just the race accident. Was it revenge manouver? No. But also, that's not the way i  drive, always try to race clean and leave room to others. Also hoping he has replay also, maybe some lag was involved...

See ya in race! Wink

RE: NOT a report - rane_nbg - 04-15-2021

Without a replay, we can not really do anything.

RE: NOT a report - ZnoCz (ZZ) - 04-15-2021

if you press on MPR, you should get the replay! Wink